The birth of the internet and the growth of online purchases in recent years have made a decisive contribution to redefining the boundaries of the markets and the circulation of goods, making it necessary to develop an increasingly vast and widespread network of large and small companies operating in the logistics, marketing and related services sector.

If, on the one hand, the ever-increasing number of users who buy online offers ample opportunities for development also for local companies that deal with logistics, on the other, it requires constant effort and investment to try to keep up with the trends of a sector in constant evolution.Setting up a company operating in logistics services competitive is not simple: it is necessary to be able to count on qualified structures and personnel, to have resources available to invest and new technologies to use. These are conditions that are not lacking in the structure of large consolidated groups, capable of deploying large budgets to support growth actions and strategies, but which are often not present in smaller companies such as start-ups and SMEs.

In fact, the latter try to respond to the changes and evolutions of the market by optimizing their operational efficiency. This, though, shows that they suffer from the lack of resources to devote to the development of their business.However, there is no shortage of solutions: small and medium-sized enterprises operating in logistics services can choose the path of franchising and take advantage of the collaboration of large specialized players capable of identifying useful tools and strategies to improve the competitiveness of a company. This consolidated business model allows small local businesses to grow within structured groups and place the solidity of their brand and network at the disposal of new partners in a collaborative relationship that favors individual initiative.

The constant growth in online purchase volumes offers interesting business opportunities for companies that deal with logistics and business services and individuals.

To make a service company competitive, significant economic investment is needed.

What to do to make a logistics services PMI competitive

For years, logistics has been perceived as a cost for companies and customers: according to a recent survey by eMarketer, in 2020, 18% of all retail sales took place via e-commerce, but it is estimated that in 2024 the percentage will rise to 21.8%. The evolution of the market and, above all, the changing needs of a clientele increasingly attentive to the quality of services have made it a central element of the purchasing process, an element to be developed in the best possible way to improve company competitiveness and try to beat the competition. To make a company competitive, it is therefore necessary to adopt strategies capable of guaranteeing a high level of services. Let us see what the main ones are.

Invest in training

For SMEs and small businesses, training and updating personnel is not simple: in fact, this operation can require significant investments in economic terms. Yet it is an absolutely central element: the competitiveness of a company often depends on the wealth and variety of professional profiles present within it and therefore on the ability of employees to implement the changes taking place and transform them into a competitive advantage. Franchising allows you to get in touch with an entrepreneurial structure that offers ongoing assistance and training, essential for learning how to manage the procedures and changes taking place effectively.

Implement corporate digitization

According to the Digital and Economic Society Index 2022, only 55% of European small and medium-sized enterprises have reached at least a basic level in the adoption of digital technologies. Digital transformation is a fundamental element for the competitiveness of a SME, especially in a sector such as that of business and private services, communication and marketing, increasingly characterized by the use of automation technologies and processes. Lack of responsiveness to innovation is a potentially penalizing element that can cause you to lose customers and ground to your competitors. Becoming part of a franchise group represents a solution capable of responding to the needs of the market and customers, as it can allow access to advanced processes and technologies capable of optimizing production processes and offering the user a satisfactory experience.

Strengthen the corporate image

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not always have a budget to allocate to the construction of a coordinated image capable of expressing the values and reliability of their brand. However, neglecting the image that your company projects on the market and on users is a serious mistake that risks compromising the possibility of selling your services: according to research conducted by MarketingSignals, 37% of start-up failures dealing with e-commerce are caused by the lack of investment dedicated to the visibility and recognition of the brand in the target market. Choosing to join a larger operator in the sector can improve the competitiveness of a company operating in the services sector, as it allows you to take advantage of the advantages deriving from the reputation of a recognized brand.

Improve the management of demand peaks

A competitive business today must be flexible, agile and scalable: in other words, it must be able to predict the increase in demand and adapt to sudden, sometimes completely unexpected, changes that affect the demand for products and services quickly, continuing to ensure high standards of processing and management. For small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in providing businesses with logistics solutions and communications solutions, the lack of flexible structures, personnel and adequate technologies can be a penalizing element, for example, during peaks in demand, periods of the year in which there is a strong increase in shipments or packaging of goods. Choosing to join a group made up of a large network of affiliates that uses consolidated procedures and technologies can represent a solution to cope with the changing needs of the market.

With decades of experience, an established brand and a vast network made up of competent professionals, the MBE franchise offers small and medium-sized businesses a wide range of integrated solutions for the optimized digital management of communication, shipping, logistics, printing and marketing services.

Thanks to a team of experts and continuous training, Mail Boxes Etc franchising. provides the solution for SMEs that need support to increase their competitiveness and always offers the best service to their customers. Contact us to give your business a competitive edge.

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Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Centers are operated by independent operators as franchisees, who operate under a franchise agreement under the brand name of MBE. Through its franchise network Mail Boxes Etc. provides support services for businesses and individuals. Logistics and shipping services represent the main services of MBE – enabled by MBE through contractual agreements concluded for the benefit of its franchisees with the main domestic and international express couriers - and other graphics and printing services - provided either directly or on the basis of agreements with large printing centers. The promotion of services for business and private customers is carried out in the framework of the business activity of each MBE franchise partner within and outside of the MBE Centers ("farming"). Each franchise partner is contractually obligated to perform such activities. Mail Boxes Etc. and MBE are registered trademarks used with permission of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. (All Rights Reserved). The services offered by the individual MBE Centers can vary depending upon the location. The material available on this Internet site, the information contained herein and any other relevant related data may not in any manner be copied, distributed, changed, republished, reproduced, downloaded or forwarded to third parties, without the expressed prior written authorization of Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. We accept no responsibility with regard to the unauthorized use of the material available on this Internet site, the information and/or the data contained herein.
Sistema Italia 93 S.r.l. • Viale Lunigiana 35-37 • 20125 Milano • Share capital € 208.000,00
Companies Register of Milan / P.IVA 10697630159 • Tel. +39 02 67 625 1 • Fax +39 02 67 625 625 • •